Top 5 Problems Podiatrists Face & How to Solve Them (2021)

As a podiatrist or a doctor of podiatric medicine (DPM), you have to deal with problems related to the foot, lower leg, and ankle. Since you are always busy treating lower limbs and related structures, your practice requires some solid mechanism to keep track of and manage all your patient records. And that solid mechanism can be none other than a speciality-specific electronic health records software that will let your staff work much more efficiently, enabling you to process more patients faster. One such software is Sammy EHR that is neck-to-neck with useful features to help podiatry practices solve most of their problems.

Working with specialized EHR software for your podiatry facility makes more sense than ever as it offers functionalities that are designed specifically around podiatrists. This article shortlists the main problems faced by podiatry specialists and explores how Sammy EMR can be the right fit to solve them.

Top 5 Problems Faced by Podiatrists

  1. Appropriate Templates to Streamline Practice Work

Podiatry Practices face difficulties to access templates that are of concern to podiatry. They require templates that make it easier for them to input information into patient records much more easily. To help you with this, Sammy's Health Recording Solution offers templates that will enable you to take care of all the information you would need to consider a patient's foot issues.

  1. Proper Codes

Podiatrists often struggle with putting in the correct code numbers. This podiatry EHR system has provisions for evaluation and management codes. It can help you manage under-coding or over-coding during patient encounters.

  1.  Data Entry

Your busy practise staff needs a break when it comes to finishing up the patients’ charts. To help you with this, Sammy EMR comes with a speech recognition data entry method that will let your doctors and nurses simply speak into the computer’s microphone to complete charts.

  1. Missing Out on Revenue

Many small practices end up leaving money on the table due to their billing and collection practices. SammyEHR's podiatry-specific platform helps users with collecting revenue from payers by ensuring clean submission of claims and following up immediately on denials.

  1. Patient Engagement

Patient engagement remains a major concern for most podiatry specialists. To make the lives of both providers and patients more manageable, Sammy EMR offers a robust patient portal that enables patients to actively participate in their care process. They can also schedule appointments, request prescription refills and pay bills online.

Is Sammy EMR the Right Fit for your Podiatry Practice?

Sammy EHR is an ideal software for podiatrists as it features a comprehensive suite of solutions that not only improves the operational efficiency of practice but also improves its profitability. You should definitely check out this EHR product if it is in synchronization with your EHR requirements and preferences.


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